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LinkCheck, © Tony Howat [Nov 15 1995]
for Acorn Internet Stacks (freenet etc)

Syntax : linkcheck <hostname> [-notquiet] [-timeout ]

<LinkCheck$Result> is set to 'Connected' or 'Failed' according to the exit
status, ideal for preventing long delays as OmniClient or whatever tries to
connect to an inactive server.

LinkCheck opens a connection on port 7 (echo), so make sure the remote
system will accept connections on this port.


-\ Tony Howat - thowat@xargle.demon.co.uk - Southport, Merseyside, U.K. /-
        A girl and a boy bump into each other -- surely an accident.
A girl and a boy bump and her handkerchief drops -- surely another accident.
  But when a girl gives a boy a dead squid -- that had to mean something.
                  -- S. Morganstern, "The Silent Gondoliers"

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Last modified on: Sat Jan 30 09:55:25 2010
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